—Upcoming School-Year Events—


Wednesday Nights

Beginning September 13th 


We have Awana from 5:30-7:00PM with free dinner at 5:30PM during the school year. Awana is for children age 2 through 6th grade in groups Cubbies, Sparks, and TNT.


At Awana, children will learn through fun! They will play games, memorize scripture, and participate in engaging lessons in Big Group Time and Small Group Time.


Summer Events

Sundays at The Park Church


Sunday Mornings

Sunday mornings are filled with activities and programs for children of all ages! Each class provides engaging, age-appropriate lessons so that each child may learn more about Christ and how to follow Him. We use curriculum such as Bible-In-Life by David C. Cook and Elevate by Fellowship to engage the children in a fun and effective way. 
Sunday School meets at 9:00 AM with classes for 3 years old-Kinder, 1st-4th grade, and 5th-6th grade. Children’s Church meets at 10:15 AM during the worship service with classes for Kindergarten-5th grades. Infants and children through the age of 4 will be in the nursery for Sunday School and Children’s Church.

Volunteers Wanted

Join us Sunday August 18th for Volunteer Training.
Email Stephanie@theparkcc.church
for more details.

Volunteer with us!

Want a fun-filled opportunity to share Christ with children? Join our volunteer team. We have opportunities to serve in Sunday School, Children’s Worship, Awana Ministry and Beach Club. For more information email Stephanie Edgar. Stephanie@theparkcc.church